Friday, March 9, 2007

Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk

Completed March 9 4/5

Well. My first Chuck Palahniuk book. This author was recommended to me from so many different sources. Library, several different people, what should I read next websites...list goes on.
I definitely liked this book, but it was a little disturbing. It was about a model who loses half her face in an accident. She is 'rescued' by Brandy Alexander, who is one operation away from becoming a woman.
It was very bizarre, weird characters, jumped around a lot, there was plot twist after plot twist, but overall it worked. I can see why he would be recommended to someone who likes Douglas Coupland and Tom Robbins, although i didn't think the characters were as strong as those written by the other two.
What was strange about his writing was that in general I didn't find it that great, but every few pages there would be a line or a paragraph that was so amazing I had stop an reread it. And it was not always for the same reason. It could have been so beautiful, so shocking, so cool, so funny, so profound, etc. A few pages in, not really hooked on the book, I get "Another thing is no matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close." thrown at me. The entire scene at the top of the space needle was one of the best things I've ever read.
I will read more by him, but I will be wary about which books. I could see in a book with more violence he would be too graphic for me. There were a few times in this book where I actually felt physically ill from the descriptions, and I could see something like Fight Club being too much for me.

First Sentence: Where you're supposed to be is some big West Hills wedding reception in a big manor house with flower arrangements and stuffed mushrooms all over the house.
Last Sentence: Completely and totally, permanently and without hope, forever and ever I love Brandy Alexander. And that's enough. (2 sentences, but you kind of need both.)