Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Honey Don't - Tim Sandlin

Completed May 8 3/5
This was a rather muddled story about a guy who accidentally kills the president of the US. That may sound heavy but it's actually more comic and was a pretty light read. It had a kind of Pulp Fiction feel to it (if Pulp Fiction were a book). It was enjoyable and worth a read. I will prolly read more by him but am not as excited about him as othe authors I have discovered doing this A-Z thing.

First Sentance: RC Nash's sense of destiny was reignited by a flight attendant feeling bumps on his forehead.
Last Sentance: He placed the head on the altar, between the seagull feathers and Andrew Marvell, then, quietly contemplating Charles Franklin's eyes, Cranford opened his tin of Vienna sausages.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

It sounds interesting. You have a pretty cool list of books to read!